[Forum] Writing Pugwash Histories

Carola Sachse carola.sachse at univie.ac.at
Mo Dez 2 10:47:21 CET 2019

Wir, Alison Kraft und Carola Sachse, möchten auf folgende 
Neuerscheinungen zur Geschichte der Pugwash Conferences on Science and 
World Affairs hinweisen:

/Science, (Anti-) Communism and Diplomacy./
/The Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs in the Early Cold 
eds. Alison Kraft and Carola Sachse,
History of Modern Science, Vol. 3, Leiden: Brill, 2020, 356 p.
ISBN: 978 90 04 34015 2(Hardback) ; 978 90 04 34017 6 (e-book)

The Pugwash Conferences and the Global Cold War. Scientists, 
Transnational Networks, and the Complexity of Nuclear Histories, hg. v. 
Alison Kraft / Holger Nehring / Carola Sachse, special issue, Journal of 
Cold War Studies, Vol. 20, No. 1, Winter 2018, 240 p.
Rezensionen und Kommentare finden sich bei:

H-Diplo Article Review Forum 852 on “The Pugwash Conferences and the 
Global Cold War: Scientists, Transnational Networks, and the Complexity 
of Nuclear Histories.” 

Neu erschienen:
Science, (Anti-) Communism and Diplomacy.
The Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs in the Early Cold War,
ed. by Alison Kraft and Carola Sachse,
History of Modern Science, Vol. 3, Leiden: Brill, 2020, 356 S.

Univ.-Prof. (i.R.) Dr. Carola Sachse
Institut für Zeitgeschichte
Universität Wien
Spitalgasse 2-4, Hof 1
A-1090 Wien

Tel.: +43-1-4277-41209
E-mail: carola.sachse at univie.ac.at

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