[Forum] Seeingthewoods: Call for submissions related to pandemics and Covid-19

Bettina Bock von Wülfingen bettina.bock.v.wuelfingen at staff.hu-berlin.de
Do Mai 14 14:20:31 CEST 2020

Liebe Kolleg*innen,

hier ein Call, auf den Helmuth Trischler aufmerksam macht, herzlich, 
Bettina Bock von Wülfingen

Dear all,

Covid-19 has changed all of our lives and will continue to be a defining 
feature of 2020. The editors of the RCC seeingthewoods.org 
<https://seeingthewoods.org/> blog are seeking submissions for a blog 
series related to the pandemic and environmental concerns. Potential 
topics include but are not limited to:

  *      pandemics in social and environmental history
  *      the "new normal" and the climate emergency
  *      the source of our current pandemic and lessons for the future
  *      conceptual frameworks for understanding the pandemic
  *      the future of globalization in the context of pandemics
  *      animals, humans, and disease
  *      the politics of pandemics and environmental concerns

The seeingthewoods <https://seeingthewoods.org/> blog aims to 
demonstrate the relevancy and importance of instilling a humanistic 
perspective into discussion about today's environmental challenges. It 
is aimed at a general audience. Submissions should, therefore, be 
written in an engaging tone and avoid the use of academic jargon.

/Submission details/

  *      Please submit a brief outline of the proposed blog post to
    kristy.henderson at rcc.lmu.de <mailto:kristy.henderson at rcc.lmu.de>.
  *      Final submissions should be no longer than 1,500 words and
    avoid the use of academic jargon.
  *      Authors are asked, where possible, to submit a copyright-free
    feature image with their submission.
  *      Upon acceptance of the submission, a date for publication will
    be agreed upon (see attached blog prospectus).

We look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,
Kristy Henderson

Rachel Carson Center
Leopoldstr. 11a,
D-80802 Munich
Phone: +49 (0) 89/ 2180 72376

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