[Forum] Paul-Bunge-Preis 2022 - Geschichte wissenschaftlicher Instrumente

christoph meinel christoph.meinel at psk.uni-regensburg.de
Do Jun 10 14:12:29 CEST 2021

The German Chemical Society (Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker - GDCh) and the
German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry (Deutsche Bunsen-Gesellschaft für
Physikalische Chemie) invite proposals for the Paul Bunge Prize 2022.

The prize is awarded annually by the Hans R. Jenemann-Foundation and is named
after Paul Bunge (1839–1888), the most important maker of precision balances in
the second half of the nineteenth century.

The Paul Bunge Prize honours outstanding research publications on all aspects
of the history of scientific instruments. The prize is endowed with 7.500 Euro.
It is awarded for either individual books or papers published within the last
five years or for lifetime achievements. Submitted works may be published in
English, German or French.

Both self-applications and nominations are accepted. Both should include the
publications to be considered, a curriculum vitae and a complete list of
publications. The Advisory Board of the Hans R. Jenemann Foundation will decide
on the prize winner. 

Submit your application or nomination, including a cover letter, by 30
September 2021 via the online form at www.gdch.de/paulbungepreis or to
j.herr at gdch.de. Though digital versions are explicitly preferred, printed
copies can be sent to the GDCh office attn: Dr. Jasmin Herr.

The award ceremony will take place in Karlsruhe on March 24-25, 2022 on the
occasion of the conference of the GDCh History of Chemistry Division.


Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, 
Dr. Jasmin Herr - j.herr at gdch.de 
Varrentrappstr. 40 – 42 
60486 FRANKFURT a.M. / Germany 


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