[Forum] Neuerscheinung

Prof. Dr. Bettina Wahrig b.wahrig at tu-braunschweig.de
Do Mär 4 17:02:24 CET 2021

Liebe Forumsmitglieder,

hier die Ankündigung einer Publikation, gerne auch zum Weiterverbreiten. 
Herzliche Grüße,

Bettina Wahrig

Dear all,

please notice the book release of "Gendered Configurations of Humans and 
Machines", edited by Jan Büssers, Anja Faulhaber, Myriam Raboldt and 
Rebecca Wiesner.

/In numerous fields of science, work, and everyday life, humans and 
machines have been increasingly entangled, developing an ever-growing 
toolbox of interactions. These entanglements affect our daily lives and 
pose possibilities as well as restrictions, chances as well as 
challenges. The contributions of this volume tackle related issues by 
adopting a highly interdisciplinary perspective. How do digitalization 
and artificial intelligence affect gender relations? How can 
intersectionality be newly understood in an increasingly//
//internationally networked world? This volume is a collection of 
contributions deriving from the //*“Interdisciplinary Conference on the 
Relations of Humans, Machines and Gender”*//which took place in 
Braunschweig (October 16–19, 2019). It also includes the keynotes given 
by Cecile Crutzen, Galit Wellner and Helen Verran./

published by Budrich: 

Pharmazie- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte

Prof.‘in Dr. Bettina Wahrig
Abteilung für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften
mit Schwerpunkt Pharmaziegeschichte
TU Braunschweig
Beethovenstr. 55
38106 Braunschweig
fon ++49 531 3915990
fax ++49 531 3915999

web: tu-braunschweig.de slash pharmaziegeschichte
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