[Forum] Bias in Medicine (GTE et al.); in Covid

Bettina Bock von Wülfingen bettina.bock.v.wuelfingen at staff.hu-berlin.de
Di Mär 9 14:22:18 CET 2021

Liebe Kolleg*innen,

zur Zeit gibt es ja, z.T. in Reaktion auf den Tod von George Floyd, ein 
gestiegenes Interesse für "race"-Repräsentationen auch in den 
Wissenschaften (s. Kolonialausstellungen etc.). Von Martha Katz 
(Harvard, Med.; Co-Editorin auch der neueren Versionen von Our Body 
Ourselves), habe ich einen Link erhalten, der vielleicht auch für manche 
von Ihnen in der Medizingeschichte oder/und in Geschichte, Theorie und 
Ethik-Kursen interessant sein könnte.


Sie schrieb dazu, dies sei "the 5 minute video proposal submission for a 
University award we received for our now ongoing project *“Addressing 
Bias in Medical Education through Inclusive Anatomical Representation.”*

Nicht vorenthalten möchte ich auch eine Nachricht von Prof. Sarah 
Richardson (History of Science and Gender, Harvard), da sich ja einige 
unter uns auch mit Corona/Covid befassen (hier im Folgenden).

Herzliche Grüße, Bettina Bock von Wülfingen


Dear Colleagues:

I’m writing to share with you a new resource for teaching, just out from 
the Harvard GenderSci Lab, with the hope that you may find it useful in 
your own teaching and also share with your networks.

The Gender/Sex Disparities in COVID-19 Outcomes 
<https://www.genderscilab.org/gender-sex-in-covid19-teaching-module> guide 
and toolkit is a powerpoint presentation offered for adoption in 
introductory-level gender studies, feminist science studies, health 
sciences, and similar courses. It is accompanied by recommended readings 
and a user guide 
<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U1zmVoMwh2mF3kCNcYfgI8MAnfi847BcXwNXQjBldRk/edit> for 

The teaching toolkit grows out of the GenderSci Lab’s Gender/Sex and 
COVID-19 Project 
<https://www.genderscilab.org/gender-and-sex-in-covid19>. The 
presentation helps students develop a critical and intersectional 
understanding of sex disparities in COVID-19 outcomes.

For those who use the tool in class, the Lab is also considering 
invitations to do 20-minute Q&A sessions to discuss gender/sex 
disparities in COVID-19 outcomes and the wider work of the Lab with your 
class, via Zoom. To inquire about availability, please contact us at 
genderscilab at gmail.com <mailto:genderscilab at gmail.com>.

We hope you will share this tool with your colleagues and networks 
(Twitter thread here 
<https://twitter.com/genderscilab/status/1311065748815646722>) and 
consider using it in your classroom.  We welcome your feedback!

Thank you,


Sarah S. Richardson <http://scholar.harvard.edu/srichard>

Professor of the History of Science and of Studies of Women, Gender, and 

Harvard University

Chair, WGS

Director, GenderSci Lab <https://www.genderscilab.org/>


*PD Dr. Bettina Bock von Wülfingen
Institut für Kulturwissenschaft
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin *
http://bockvonwuelfingen.org <http://bockvonwuelfingen.org>

Street Address: Sophienstrasse 22a, D-10178 Berlin
Postal Address: Unter den Linden 6, D-10099 Berlin

PR-Officer*Society for the History of Sciences, of Medicine and of 
Technology/Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, der Medizin 
und der Technik (GWMT)
*https://www.gwmt.de/ <https://www.gwmt.de/>

*Recent publications:*

*»Science in Color. Visualizing Achromatic Knowledge«*. Berlin/New York: 
De Gruyter 2019.

*»The Periodic Tableau: Form and Colors in the First 100 Years«*, in 
Lykknes, A.; van Tiggelen, B. (eds.) The Periodic system as an icon in 
chemistry and a typology of science. Special Issue in Centaurus, 
International Journal of the History of Science and its Cultural 
Aspects, online November 2019.

*Other publications at: 
and http://bockvonwuelfingen.org <http://bockvonwuelfingen.org>

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