[Forum] CfP: Workshop on the History of Psychology and the Sciences of the Human Mind

carola.ossmer at leuphana.de carola.ossmer at leuphana.de
Mi Sep 8 17:11:30 CEST 2021

Liebe Mitglieder der GWMT,


die AG Forum Geschichte der Humanwissenschaften lädt zu einem
internationalen Workshop ein. Die Deadline für Einsendungen ist am 15.
Oktober. Teilnehmer*innen ohne eigenen Textbeitrag sind ebenfalls


Workshop on the History of Psychology and the Sciences of the Human Mind


In cooperation with the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science,
Berlin and the Erfurt Chair for the History of Science, the German Forum for
the History of Human Sciences is organizing its fifth workshop for ongoing
projects on the history of psychology and other disciplines conducting
research on the human mind (anthropology, psychoanalysis, psychiatry,
phrenology, etc.). We are open to all contributions in the subject area,
regardless of their epochal or regional focus. The objective of the workshop
is to discuss drafts for journal articles, chapters for master theses,
dissertations or book projects. We invite experts in the history of the
human sciences to join us to discuss these drafts.


Interested scholars at all stages of their career are encouraged to submit
abstracts and a short CV by October 15, 2021. Manuscripts of accepted
abstracts will be presented briefly by other participants during the
workshop, and discussed with the support of subject matter experts. To allow
for a reasonable reading time, accepted texts should be submitted by
February 15, 2022.


The workshop will be held online on March 17 and 18, 2022, and will provide
one hour of discussion time for each manuscript. The presentation of the
texts will be kept short to allow adequate time for discussion.


The Forum for the History of the Human Sciences was founded in Berlin in
June 2016 and aims to promote long-term exchange among scholars working on
the history of human sciences. While we have focused on German-speaking
academia in recent years, we are excited to take advantage of the
newly-established practice of videoconferencing to host this unconventional
international workshop.


For questions about the workshop or the German Forum for the History of the
Human Sciences please contact Laurens Schlicht

( <mailto:laurens.schlicht[at]uni-saarland.de>
laurens.schlicht[at]uni-saarland.de), Verena Lehmbrock
<mailto:verena.lehmbrock[at]uni-erfurt.de)>  or Carola Oßmer (
<mailto:carola.ossmer at leuphana.de> carola.ossmer[at]leuphana.de).




C a r o l a  O s s m e r

Doctoral Student | Leuphana Universität Lüneburg

Predoctoral Visiting Fellow | Max Planck Institute for the History of


Article:  <https://doi.org/10.1086/711127> Normal Development


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