[Forum] Conference "Flexibility and Agility", 17-19.11.2022, Darmstadt

Christopher Neumaier neumaier at zzf-potsdam.de
Di Aug 30 06:56:35 CEST 2022

Liebe Listen-Mitglieder,

ich möchte Sie auf die Konferenz /“Flexibility“ and “Agility“: 
Strategies, Practices, and Ambivalences of a Key Concept since the 
1980s/ hinweisen, die vom 17. bis 19. November 2022 in Darmstadt 

Anbei finden Sie das Tagungsprogramm und weitere Informationen finden 
sich auch unter https://www.geschichte.tu-darmstadt.de/flexibility 

Herzliche Grüße
Christopher Neumaier

“*Flexibility“ and “Agility“: Strategies, Practices, and Ambivalences of 
a Key Concept since the 1980s*

*Date: 17 – 19 November 2022*

Location: Darmstadt

Organizers: Martina Heßler (TU Darmstadt), Martin Krzywdzinski (HSU), 
Christopher Neumaier (ZZF)

Conferencehosted by: Technical University of Darmstadt, Leibniz Centre 
for Contemporary History Potsdam (ZZF), 
Helmut-Schmidt-University/University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg 
(HSU), SPP 2267 “The Digitalization of Working Worlds. Conceptualising 
and Capturing a Systemic Transformation“

*Thursday, 17 November 2022*


Key Note: Richard Sennett

*Friday, 18 November 2022*

9.00 – 9.30
Martina Heßler, Darmstadt

/Welcome, Introduction /


*A History of Flexibility*

9.30 – 10.15

Vincent August, Berlin

/The Rise of Cybernetic Network Ideas: A Critical Conceptual History of 

10.15 – 10:45 Break

*Working Time/Temporary Work *

10.45 – 11.30

Michael Homberg, Potsdam

/The Flexible Clock. Circadian Rhythms, Temporal Concerns, and the 
Debate about Night and Shift Work in the Federal Republic of Germany/

11.30 – 12.15

Anna Elisabeth Keim, Halle-Wittenberg

/From Harmful Fluctuation to Beneficial Flexibility: Mobility Regimes 
and the Concept of Zeit-Arbeit in West Germany During the Boom///

12.15 – 13.00

Ariane Leendertz, Stuttgart

/Promoting Agility and Competitiveness in Science and Research: The 
Max-Planck Society and the Strategies of Flexibilization since the 1980s. /

13:00 – 14.00 Lunch

*Flexible Biographies*

14.00 – 14.45

Kirstin Berit Jäggi-Jorns, Zürich

/Flexibilization Configurations in Future Designs: The Subjectivization 
of Social Problems in the Swiss Federal Law on Vocational Education and 
Training since 1930///

14.45 – 15.30

Christian Garland, London

/“Flexibility“ as Precarity/Precarity as “Flexibility”: The Neoliberal 
Ideological Mask and the Social Reality, 40 Years of the 
“Anglo-American-Model” in the UK/

15.30 – 16.00 Break


*Work Processes: Promises/Policies of Flexibility*

16.00 – 16.45

Sarah George, Berlin/Franziska Zehl, Würzburg-Schweinfurt

/Mobile Work and the New Middle Class. //Time-Space Compression and 
Impacts on Social and Spatial Mobility/

16.45 – 17. 30

Mirjam Mayer, Zürich

/Efficiency through Flexibility? Office Automation in the Swiss Federal 
Administration in the 1980s/

17.30 – 18.15

Tim Clausnitzer, Martin Meister, Ingo Schultz-Schaeffer, Kevin Wiggert, 

/Narratives of Flexibilization Regarding the Introduction of 
Collaborative Industrial Robots/

c. 19.00 Conference Dinner

*Saturday, 19 November 2022*

*Re-Organization – Flexibility/Agility*

9.00 – 9.45

Mona-Maria Bardmann, Hohenheim

/„Quo Vadis Flexibility? //Digitalization and Formalization in 

9.45 – 10.30

Christopher Neumaier, Potsdam

/Group Work a Win-Win-Option for Management and Workers? The 
Flexibilization of Work Processes in the German Automotive Industry 
between the 1970s and 1990s/////

10.30 – 10.50 Break

10.50 – 11.35

Martin Krzywdziniski, Hamburg/Berlin
/Remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Experiences of agile, hybrid 
and traditional teams./


*Software / Agile Practices*

11.35 – 12.15

Sebastian Randerath, Bonn

/How We (Almost) Became Agile: A Format History c. 1972–2001/

12.15 – 13.15 Lunch

13.15 – 14.00

Timo Leimbach, Aarhus

/Rooting agility – The Different Origins of Agile Methods and Their 
Contributions to the Current Conceptualization of it/

14.40 – 14.45

Donald Bertulfo, Delft

/The World in a Sprint: Computational Infrastructures and Agility in the 
New Economy/

14:45 – 15.15 Break

*15.15 – 16.15 **Concluding Comments*

Sabine Pfeiffer, Erlangen-Nürnberg / Martina Heßler, 
Darmstadt/Christopher Neumaier, Potsdam

*Final Discussion*

*For the conference a _registration_ is required:*


*Information on venues and hotels can be found here*: 
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