[Forum] Fwd: [Wissenschaftsgeschichte EF] Offener Brief "On Putin’s war in Ukraine and the Future of International Academic Cooperation"

Kleeberg bernhard.kleeberg at uni-erfurt.de
Sa Mär 19 10:07:33 CET 2022

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, 

anbei der Link zu einem offenen Brief (https://academiccooperationletter.wordpress.com <https://academiccooperationletter.wordpress.com/>)
Kurz gesagt, geht es darum:

On Putin’s war in Ukraine and the Future of International Academic Cooperation

We are writing to support those academics and students in Russia, who are openly opposing the indiscriminate and horrific war in Ukraine. We believe that it is our common task as members of the academia to speak out against the war, and we assure our support to those who do so. While numerous institutions have cut ties with Russia, they reiterate that they oppose collective guilt and will continue supporting scholars and students persecuted by Putin’s regime. We will work with all our strength to leave no one alone who is fleeing the war and the regime, being persecuted and threatened, or resisting it. You can find the full version of the letter and list of signatories here: http://tiny.cc/AcadCoop <http://tiny.cc/AcadCoop> and sign the letter here: https://forms.gle/ojwqM3PEFhJh7syy5 <https://forms.gle/ojwqM3PEFhJh7syy5>

Herzliche Grüße,

** Prof. Dr. Bernhard Kleeberg / Wissenschaftsgeschichte / Philosophische Fakultät / Universität Erfurt / Postfach 900221 / 99105 Erfurt  / Tel. +49(0)361/737-4461 **

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