[Forum] Stellenausschreibung Med.Hum. Uppsala

Bettina Bock von Wülfingen bettina.bock.v.wuelfingen at staff.hu-berlin.de
Mi Apr 29 08:31:09 CEST 2020

  Hier eine Nachricht von Mariacarla Gadebusch Bondio weitergeleitet:

  2 Postdocs in Medical Humanities

Published: 2020-04-23

Uppsala University is a comprehensive research-intensive university with 
a strong international standing. Our mission is to pursue top-quality 
research and education and to interact constructively with society. Our 
most important assets are all the individuals whose curiosity and 
dedication make Uppsala University one of Sweden’s most exciting 
workplaces. Uppsala University has 46.000 students, 7.300 employees and 
a turnover of SEK 7.3 billion.

The Centre for Medical Humanities 
(https://www.idehist.uu.se/centre-for-medical-humanities/)is a 
collaboration between the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Social 
Sciences and the Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy. About 
twenty researchers working at various institutions are part of the 
centre’s network. The activities are led by a director with the support 
of a coordinator, and also includes teaching across the faculty boundaries.

Two positions as postdoctoral fellow in medical humanities are now open. 
The positions are funded by the Kjell and Märta Beijer Foundation. One 
of the positions is for candidates within the humanities/ social 
sciences, the other for candidates from medicine/ pharmacy/ health sciences.

The Centre is organised as part of the Department of History of Science 
and Ideas (https://www.idehist.uu.se), a dynamic research environment 
with strong profiles in history of medicine and history of science. 
There are currently over forty academics, researchers and visiting 
scholars attached to the Department, including 15 doctoral students.

Medical humanities is an interdisciplinary research field where issues 
related to medicine, illness and health are put into a historical, 
cultural and social context. The multidisciplinary approach means that 
the medical humanities constitute a broad field and includes studies 
ranging from the individual's experiences of illness and health to the 
development of medical practices and societal perspectives on health care.

*Duties/Project description:***Employment as a postdoctoral researcher 
involves a two year full-time post, pursuing research according to your 
proposed plan. Teaching and/ or administrative duties will be 20% of the 
full-time position.

*Requirements:***Applicants should have a PhD degree (or the equivalent) 
in biomedicine, health sciences, the humanities, social sciences, or 
similar fields. The doctorate must have been completed within the last 
three years (though exceptions may be granted should circumstances merit 

The successful postdoc applicant must not previously have been employed 
at Uppsala University as a postdoc within the same or closely-related 
subject for more than one year.

Applications may be submitted in either Swedish or English and should 

§completed application form,

§Curriculum Vitae, with a complete list of publications,

§a brief description (3–5 pages) of your intended research direction and 
why you consider yourself well-suited to this particular position,

§certified copies of your degree certificates and grades,

§a maximum of 5 publications,

§additional documents to support your application, including two referees.

*Additional qualifications:***Emphasis will primarily be placed upon 
academic merits in selecting candidates. Ranking will take place on the 
basis of the quality of the academic merits. Particular weight will be 
given to research completed within the field of medical humanities.

*Salary:*According to individual qualifications and merits. Please 
provide a salary proposal in your application

*Starting date:*01-09-2020 or as otherwise agreed.

*Type of employment:*Temporary position according to central collective 

*Scope of employment:*100 %

*For further information about the position please contact:***Centre 
Director Ylva Söderfeldt, tel. 018-471 15 69, 
ylva.soderfeldt at idehist.uu.se; Head of Department Frans Lundgren, tel. 
018/471 1580, frans.lundgren at idehist.uu.se.

*Please submit your application by May 21 2020, UFV-PA 2020/1424.*

Are you considering moving to Sweden to work at Uppsala University? If 
so, you will find a lot of information about working and living 
in Sweden atwww.uu.se/joinus <http://www.uu.se/joinus>. You are also 
welcome to contact International Faculty and Staff Services 
atifss at uadm.uu.se <mailto:ifss at uadm.uu.se>.

Please do not send offers of recruitment or advertising services.

*Submit your application through Uppsala University´s recruitment 
system. See link in announcement: 


*Dr. Ylva Söderfeldt*

Director, Centre for Medical Humanities

Associate Senior Lecturer

Department of History of Science and Ideas

Thunbergsvägen 3 P, Box 629

751 26 Uppsala, SWEDEN

+46 (0)18 471 15 69

ylva.soderfeldt at idehist.uu.se

*PD Dr. Bettina Bock von Wülfingen
Institut für Kulturwissenschaft
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin *

Street Address: Sophienstrasse 22a, D-10178 Berlin
Postal Address: Unter den Linden 6, D-10099 Berlin

PR-Officer*Society for the History of Sciences, of Medicine and of 
Technology/Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, der Medizin 
und der Technik (GWMT)

*Recent publications:*

*»Science in Color. Visualizing Achromatic Knowledge«*. Berlin/New York: 
De Gruyter 2019.

*»The Periodic Tableau: Form and Colors in the First 100 Years«*, in 
Lykknes, A.; van Tiggelen, B. (eds.) The Periodic system as an icon in 
chemistry and a typology of science. Special Issue in Centaurus, 
International Journal of the History of Science and its Cultural 
Aspects, online November 2019.

*Other publications at: 
and http://bockvonwuelfingen.org

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