[Forum] (Fwd) [Sammlungsnetzwerk] Conference 'Objects of Understanding', Flensburg 18 - 22 July 2022

Dr. Heiko Weber hweber at gwdg.de
Mo Apr 11 17:15:57 CEST 2022

Liebe KollegInnen,

nachstehende Nachricht leite ich gern weiter.

Mit herzlichen Gruessen aus Goettingen
Heiko Weber


------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht / Forwarded message -------
Von:	Sarah Elena Link <sarah.elena.link at hu-berlin.de>
Datum:	Mon, 11 Apr 2022 13:57:25 +0200
An:	<sammlungsnetzwerk at lists.hu-berlin.de>
Betreff:	[Sammlungsnetzwerk] Conference 'Objects of Understanding',
	Flensburg 18 - 22 July 2022
Antwort an:	<sammlungsnetzwerk at lists.hu-berlin.de>, Sarah Elena Link
	<sarah.elena.link at hu-berlin.de>

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are happy to announce the updated program of the conference "Objects of 
Understanding: Historical Perspectives on Material Artifacts and Practices in 
Science Education", 18 - 22 July 2022 at the Europa-Universität Flensburg, 
Germany. Please find the updated program here:


The conference webpage


contains information about registration and accommodation in Flensburg. Early bird 
registration (90,- Euro) closes on 15 May; after 15 May, the registration fee will 
increase to 145,- Euros. The fee will include lunch, coffee and snacks on all days, 
the whole day excursion to Sorø Akademi in Denmark, and the conference dinner.

There is still the possibility of proposing a paper if you are not on the program yet. If 
you are interested, please send your abstract (no more than 250 words) to 
OoU-conference at uni-flensburg.de before 25 April 2022. You can find the initial call 
for papers here:


Please write to OoU-conference at uni-flensburg.de for all questions and concerns.

All the best

Peter Heering, Europa-Universität Flensburg
Roland Wittje, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai

Oldenburg mailing list
Oldenburg at mailman.uni-regensburg.de 

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