[GWMT Forum] 2 Postdoc Fellowships "Academia at Risk"

Kleeberg bernhard.kleeberg at uni-erfurt.de
Do Feb 8 23:45:26 CET 2024

Liebe Kolleg:innen,

anbei eine Ausschreibung mit Bitte um Beachtung und Zirkulation! 

2 Postdoc-Fellowships “Academia at Risk” / 2 years / deadline 24th February 2024

Our new interdisciplinary project group “Protecting academia at risk: Towards a new policy agenda for a thriving culture of higher education in Europe”, financed by the Gerda Henkel Foundation, is looking for 2 postdocs for two years (for the fellowship see here: https://www.gerda-henkel-stiftung.de/en/researchscholarships). We welcome researchers from the humanities and social sciences who bring in their own projects on (the history of) topics like academic refugees, migration and/of epistemologies, and related science policies (for the framework and involved researchers see here: Protecting Academia at Risk <https://www.uni-erfurt.de/philosophische-fakultaet/seminare-professuren/historisches-seminar/professuren/wissenschaftsgeschichte/forschung/political-epistemologies-of-central-and-eastern-europe/protecting-academia-at-risk>). Please send a CV including publications, a letter of intent that explains your previous experience in the field of research, a short project sketch (1-2p.), and two article-length samples of writing by 24thFebruary to petoandreamargit at gmail.com <mailto:petoandreamargit at gmail.com> and bernhard.kleeberg at uni-erfurt.de <mailto:bernhard.kleeberg at uni-erfurt.de>. Interviews are planned asap.

** Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernhard Kleeberg / Wissenschaftsgeschichte / Philosophische Fakultät / Universität Erfurt / Postfach 900221 / 99105 Erfurt  / Tel. +49(0)361/737-4461 **

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