[Forum] CfP: "Turning points in debating the human environment: Interactions between science and society" (Geneva 29 June-1 July 2022)

Dania Achermann achermann at uni-wuppertal.de
Do Jul 1 16:29:21 CEST 2021

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

Die Schweizerischen Geschichtstage 2022 finden zum Thema „Natur“ statt
(Universität Genf, 29. Juni-1. Juli 2022). Für unser Panel „Turning points
in debating the human environment: Interactions between science and society”
haben wir noch Platz für eine*n weitere*n Vortragende*n:


Vorträge können auf Deutsch, Englisch oder Französisch gehalten werden.
Deadline: 31. August. 2021.

Mit besten Grüßen,
Dania Achermann



CfP: Turning points in debating the human environment: Interactions between
science and society

This panel proposes to examine turning points in the debate on the human
environment since the 1960s by mobilizing the concept of “epistemic
communities” as defined by Peter M. Haas. More precisely, it analyses the
interactions between society, politics, and epistemic communities in a
bi-directional way with a view to examining the role of the latter in
bringing about fundamental social and political change in the “era of
ecology” (Joachim Radkau). Besides providing insights into new fields of
research, the novelty here is that the panel proposes to single out
epistemic communities grounded in different sciences, the natural sciences
(physics/geography), and law (especially human rights law), with a view to
comparing their interactions with society and politics. This includes
analysing societal and political input and evaluating its influence on
scientific research, the modes of self-organization and action of scientific
(and larger epistemic) communities, and their relative capacity to influence
societal debates and policies on the human environment. What is the relative
power of science (and larger epistemic) communities in reshaping
environmental debates in a national and transnational framework?

Planned papers:
- Dania Achermann (University of Berne/University of Wuppertal)
- Richard Schweizer (Université de Genève/ENS Paris)

- Matthias Schulz (Université de Genève)



Jun.-Prof. Dr. Dania Achermann

Historische Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung
Bergische Universität Wuppertal

Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung (IZWT
<https://www.izwt.uni-wuppertal.de/de/home.html> )



Raum: S.10.03

Gaußstraße 20

42119 Wuppertal

achermann at uni-wuppertal.de <mailto:achermann at uni-wuppertal.de>  


Forschungsprojekt: “Ice Cores, Small States and Global Climate Change: The
rise of a new scientific discipline“, finanziert durch den Schweizerischen
Historisches Seminar & Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research
Universität Bern

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